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Creating a Pack

In order to create a Pack, the first thing one must do is decide whether it is a pre-minted pack or a minted on demand pack.

Pre-minted and Minted on demand packs links in collection management

Each time the pack is opened by someone, there is a roll (RNG) that determines which cards that person is getting according to the established probabilities.

A minted on demand pack is a pack that requires all assets within it to be of infinite supply, because it can be claimed any number of times.

A pre-minted pack is very similar to a booster pack from card games in the fiat world, where there's a set of cards that have been printed (or minted, in this case) and randomly available among a number of packs. These packs then are sold, purchased and opened, rewarding the buyer with a random set of card(s).

A hybrid pack is a pack which can combine pre-minted assets and minted on demand assets, this can be achieved with the "pre-minted packs" option and considered an advanced configuration.

Minted on Demand Packs


Packs cannot be deleted and slots cannot be altered once the pack is finalized

Minted on demand packs can only deliver templates with unlimited supply.

Once you've accessed Minted on Demand Packs from the creator's hub and authorized the contract atomicpacksx to manage your collection, you can create your first Pack. You can do so simply by clicking the button "Add authorized account" if needed, otherwise you'll be presented with the existing packs list.

Button to authorize contract

On minted on demand packs, mint numbers are sequential, so the first asset minted is #1, the second one is #2, and so on.

Just like in a Drop you'll need to set a name. Description and scheduling an opening date and time are optional.

Name, description, opening date and time input fields

Once you've created the pack, you'll be able to add slots to it. Slots are sort of placeholders for NFT. For every card that can be obtained in your pack individually, you'll need to add a slot. A pack that drops 1 NFT will have 1 slot; a pack that drops 5 NFTs will have 5 slots. Within each slot, you can add different possibilities additional to the pool that's been created, so you could perhaps have a chance at a card from one of two different pools. By doing this, you can add an empty result, which means you can create a pack that has 5 slots but sometimes drops 4 NFTs depending on luck. This is also true for pre-minted packs.

To add a slot to this pack, just click on the pack you just created.

From here, you can add any asset from your collection. On minted on demand packs, each slot may contain several assets, which are the rolls made for that slot. So if you have 1 slot with 3 assets and 1 slot with 1 asset, you'll receive 2 NFTs, 1 random and 1 guaranteed.

Once this is set up, you can finalize your pack, which will prompt you to choose an asset for the pack. This is not an asset inside the pack, but the actual display of the pack itself. After this is done you won't be able to delete the pack or modify the slots. Only the name, description and unlock time can be modified on a finalized pack.

Pre-minted packs


Packs can not be removed once an nft has been minted, only if the pack template has no mints you are able to remove it

Pre-minted packs can deliver pre-minted assets which were stored in a pool, minted on demand results and empty results.

Once you've accessed Pre-minted Packs from the creator's hub and authorized the contract neftyblocksp to manage your collection, you can create your first Pack. You can do so simply by clicking the button "Add authorized account" if needed, otherwise you'll be presented with the existing packs list and pre-minted pools.

Button to authorize contract

Packs contract in testnet is neftyblpacks, other chains will have different pack names.

Pre-minted packs overview

In preminted packs, you'll be able to use pre-minted pools which represent all the NFTs inside unopened packs as configured. Given these NFTs have already been minted, mint numbers will be delivered at random.

Pre-minted packs pools list


In order to add assets to the pool make sure to buy RAM for your collection.

Just like in a Drop, you'll need to set a name and description.

You will select the pack template which will deliver the results and configure the pack slots with the results from opening the pack. At this step you need to have already planned your packs distribution, templates created and your assets pooled (if needed).

Pre-minted packs creation

You may optionally:

  • Schedule: set a date to unlock the pack in the Schedule section, the date and time are given in your local timezone
  • Unpack settings: define visuals for the opening pack

Pre-minted Examples

PFP (Unique NFT delivery)

If you want to release unique NFT's you need to decide whether you want to have them use the same template, different templates or no template at all. Ideally you will use the same schema for your pfp's so you can share the schema for the market link, use as ingredient or whitelist filter.

At this point the amount of nfts should be clear and all the attributes defined. You will need your pack template with the limit corresponding to the amount of nfts so there are no empty packs, e.g. 500 pfp assets will be delivered through a pack of limit 500.

Minting assets

Let's explore the options for minting within "Schemas and templates":

Create new template or mint without template options in the schema

a. Use the same template for different mints

Shnazzy's E-Girls uses a template per minted nfts.

Therefore, each nft is a mint #1 of 1. When you create the template you will define the name, image and any other attributes.

b. Use different templates with only one mint

This collection uses the same template to mint all their waxel.ninjas, you will see each nft has a different mint number according to it's minting order. When you mint the assets you will define the name, image and any other attributes.

c. No template

Following the example from Alpaca Worlds, you can see the travelers.g1 do not use a template. Therefore, all the nfts are of mint #1 of 1, when you mint the assets you will define the name, image and any other attributes.

Pooling assets


Pooled assets cannot be removed once added. If you need to remove assets you will need to contact NB or create a pack pointing to that pool and open all the packs yourself.

Mint all the nfts you plan to deliver in the pack to your wallet for pooling and configuration. In order to do so, head to the pools tab of the pre-minted packs and select "Add to pool":

  • Define the name of the pool (13 characters a-z 1-5)
  • Select the schema
  • Select the template (if needed or applicable)
  • Review and confirm the "Assets to add" amount coincides with the amount you expect to deliver
  • Click "Add x assets to pool" and voilah!
  • Sign the transactions to pool the assets, depending on the amount it can be more than one transaction
  • Add as many assets as needed to the pool, you can repeat this operation as many times as needed

Pre-minted packs add to pool

Once all the assets are pooled you can create the pack. Select the limited pack template and add a slot which will deliver from your created pool.

Pre-minted pack creation select pack template

Fill in name and description. Click on the button "Add slots", where you will be presented with the option to deliver "Result from pool" or "Mint on demand", select "Result from pool" and choose the previously created pool.

Add slot select Pool or Mint on demand

1 slot with result from Pool

As you can see there is only 1 slot being delivered on this pack with a 100% probability, which means every pack is guaranteed to receive a PFP.

Finish filling the details for the pack and click on create when you're done. This will validate you have enough assets to deliver when opening all the packs and reserve that amount from the selected pool. e.g. 500 packs delivering 1 slot from a pool with 500 assets.

Several assets of different rarity pack

Let's say you're releasing a card game with three different qualities: Common, Rare and Epic. You need to decide the amounts for the pack and assets configuration:

Option A. Define first the amount of cards
You've defined 600 Common cards, 300 Rare cards and 100 Epic cards, which makes a total of 1000 assets.
You've defined in each pack there'll be 5 cards.
Therefore, you will need a pack of limit 200. 1000 assets / 5 cards per pack = 200 packs.
Option B. Define first the amount of packs
You've defined the distribution of 200 packs.
You've defined in each pack there'll be 5 cards.
Therefore, you will need 1000 cards to distribute. 200 packs * 5 cards per pack = 1000 assets.
You've defined these 1000 cards will be minted as follow per rarity: 600 Common cards, 300 Rare cards and 100 Epic cards.


Define the amount of cards per rarity to match the Probability (%)


Once you have defined the right amounts, you will create your pack template with a limit of 200 and the templates with rarity which will mint the desired amounts.

You will need to add all 1000 assets to different pools in order to be able to distribute them with their rarity probability. This is done from the 'Pre-minted pools' option within pre-minted packs. You'll be able to set a name for each pool, select the schema and template of the assets you want to add into the pool.

Add to common pool *These screenshots were done with smaller amounts to add for the sake of simplicity.Add to rare pool *These screenshots were done with smaller amounts to add for the sake of simplicity.Add to rare pool *These screenshots were done with smaller amounts to add for the sake of simplicity.

The pools would look like this:

NameAmount addedPool sizePercentage deliveredTemplates*

*Templates number will vary according to how you minted the assets

You can head now to the pack creation, where you will select the pack template, fill in display data, configure slots and optionally define schedule and adjust the unpack settings.

You'll need need to fill in the slots. In pre-minted packs, slots can be a result from a pool like the ones just created. In the Slots input adjust the value to 5 so it delivers 5 assets. In the Result area select each created pool, you can add or remove results with the buttons to the right. Define the odds per result option:

5 slots with results from common, rare and epic pools

Probability will be calculated when the slots are created based on the defined Odds. In this case there is only 1 pack and therefore you can use the amounts you previously decided as Odds for the slot creation.

If you added a slot which is not needed just click the Trash icon to the right of the slot.

You can now create the pack.

Advanced Examples

Deliver an empty result at random

Following previous example, let's say you want to give a lucky member of your community a unique extra asset as reward. Therefore, everyone receives their 5 assets when opening the pack but one opening will result in an extra super rare nft. In this case you need an extra slot to deliver said asset and therefore a pool with one asset to deliver it through the pack.

When you define slots you need to be explicit about the amount of empty results which will be delivered, in this case, 1 reward asset and 199 empty results for the 200 packs:

the.reward1 / 2000.50%
Empty199 / 20099.50%

Slot with empty result or pool

You can decide you want to reward more than one person, e.g. Reward 3 people: so you follow the same recipe to create a pool with the 3 assets, add this to a slot and adjust the odds to reflect the correct amounts:

three.rewards3 / 2001.50%
Empty197 / 20098.50%

Combine pre-minted and on-demand

To add more complexity to previous examples, we can assume you want to deliver a minted on-demand asset, that will help you recognize the first mint (so the first person who opened their pack). You can also get a list of all the people who originally opened the pack if you want to make an exclusive release through a whitelist of these distributed assets, and so on.

The first 5 pre-minted slots work as already described and the extra slot will return a result on-demand from a template with infinite supply.

Slot on demand unlimited template

Just like pre-minted you can add more possible results to the Slot and adjust the odds however you want, notice in this case you don't need to define the Odds based on the supply, because the templates are unlimited and you can have as many results as needed by the packs openings.

Slot on demand with two result options

Two (or more) packs with shared results

Another common pack configuration involves packs which share a pool of assets, e.g. you will distribute big and small packs, they deliver the same assets in different amounts. Therefore you need to be very precise with the cards distribution:

PackAmount of packsAssets in packTotal assets
Big100 packs5 assets500 assets
Small160 packs3 assets480 assets
---= 980 assets

Packs * Assets = Total Assets

Once you have decided the amount of packs and assets you plan to distribute, you will know the total assets needed. From there you can decide the distribution per rarity in each pack.

100 Big packs 500 assets

RarityAssets (Odds)Probability

5 slots big pack

160 Small packs 500 assets

RarityAssets (Odds)Probability

3 slots small pack

Then you can conclude the total supply per rarity with all the numbers in place:

PoolTotal AssetsSupply %
common350 + 336 = 68670.00%
rare100 + 96 = 19620.00%
epic50 + 48 = 9810.00%

Assuming you want to give an edge in odds to big pack openers, you will need to adjust the number of assets accordingly:

160 Small packs 500 assets

RarityAssets (Odds)Probability
PoolTotal AssetsSupply %
common350 + 360 = 71072.45%
rare100 + 96 = 19620.00%
epic50 + 24 = 747.55%

In conclusion, make sure to get all your numbers in perfect balance:

  • If you add more assets to the pool than needed it means there will be assets lost as even when all the packs are opened you'll have left over assets.
  • If you don't add enough assets you won't be able to create the packs as it would mean not all the packs would deliver assets.
  • Moreover, make sure to always use natural numbers (positive integers) for the assets amounts, as we can't deliver a fraction of an asset.

Advanced settings / Unpack settings

Additionally you can also add visuals for unpacking. In the advanced configuration you can also add visuals for unpacking, such as:

  • a video that pops up on full screen when the pack is opened, click on the "Preview" button to test your IPFS video
  • an image (IPFS) and text which are used to reveal the packs' result Image and text when reavealing the pack
  • and custom background color (HEX Value), click the square to the right to use the color picker

Advanced configuration for unpack fields

Existing packs

For existing packs, you can update everything but the pack template and slots. Additionally, in the "Openers" tab you can see the full list of accounts which have opened the pack with date and time, plus a link to the transaction details.

Pack details and openers tab



Make sure you have enough RAM to pool all the assets, mint all NFTs in your pack (if any minted on demand) and opening of the packs

Pre-minted and minted on demand packs RAM management

Other options

If a Pack is not exactly what you're looking to create, perhaps the answer is a Blend

If you're wondering "I've created a pack, what now?", just head to the Drop documentation and sell that pack