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Creating a collection

In order to get started with creating NFTs, the first thing you’ll need to do is create a Collection. This can be done from the ‘Create’ button on your profile, which can be accessed on the top right corner of the screen once you’re logged in.

When creating a collection, you’ll be prompted with some fields to fill in:

Collection screenshot 1

The first important thing to note is the difference between collection name and display name. Your collection name must be exactly 12 characters long, but your display name may be anything else.


Keep in mind the collection name is the way your collection is referred to on the blockchain.

Next, you'll find ‘Avatar IPFS Hash’. In order to fill this in, you'll first need the hash of an image you want to use as collection avatar.

IPFS is a distributed system for storing and accessing files, websites, applications, and data. To get an IPFS hash of the image you want to use, navigate to Filebase. Filebase is an example of a solution to host your NFT Media on IPFS with both free and paid plans. After uploading your media, Filebase will give you a 40 character long string (CID). This is the media's IPFS Hash, and you can now copy it and place it in any IPFS Hash field when required.

In this case, this will be the ‘profile picture’ of your collection, so to speak - the image that will be used as display for your collection.

Other than this, you'll have to fill in a description, links to social media, and company registration info if applicable.

As Advanced Configuration, you can add authorized accounts (i.e. accounts that have access to the collection's creative process) and accounts to be notified.


RAM refunds in drops, preminted packs, or blends only happen if the collection notifies the contracts. In order to do this, you must add blend.nefty, neftyblocksd, and neftyblocksp as accounts to be notified. When an asset is burned, the contract will refund 151 bytes to the collection's internal RAM balance.


RAM refunds are not retroactive

Once you’ve successfully created your collection, you’ll find a menu with several options; this is the Creator's Hub. Here, you'll be able to create all things NFT, as well as top up on RAM and CPU for your different activities.

The first step for a new collection would be to create an NFT.