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A blend is the crafting mechanic that yields a result by combining multiple NFTs with the same or different templates. The amount of Blends that can be performed relates directly to the maximum supply of NFTs that exist with the resulting Template, which is to say, once all NFTs for a Template have been Minted, the blend offering that NFT as Result can no longer be performed.


All NFTs exist within collections. Collections are like groups for NFTs that are of a similar theme.


CPU is the time your transaction needs to be completed, measured in microseconds.


A Drop is the procedure by which content is released. Once NFTs are created and put into Packs, those Packs are released to the market via a Drop. Individual NFTs can also be Dropped.


IPFS is a distributed system for storing and accessing files, websites, applications, and data.

Filebase is an example of a solution to host your NFT Media on IPFS with both free and paid plans.

After uploading your media, Filebase will give you a series of characters(CID). This is the media's IPFS Hash, and you can now copy it and place it in the Avatar IPFS Field when required. Uploading any file to IPFS creates a 40-character long string.


The reason IPFS is used is because it is a decentralised system of user-operators who hold a portion of the overall data - kind of like a torrent, but safer!


Minting an NFT is the process of publishing and storing the non-interchangeable unit of data on the Blockchain. Minting an NFT is a definitive process. Once an NFT has been stored on the Blockchain, it cannot be undone. As is the process of creating fiat coins, when a manufacturer mints a physical coin, the process of uploading a specific item onto the blockchain is known as “minting”.

Mint on demand

In mint on demand drops, NFTs are minted as Drops are purchased, meaning the first buyer gets the first mint. Low mint numbers are sought after by collectors.


A Pre-minted NFT is one that has been minted before a collector claims it.To give buyers a fair chance of getting low mint NFTs, the creator may decide to pre-mint the NFTs. When done this way, the amount of NFTs Minted is the amount of Drops that will be made, and a random NFT will be attained when purchasing the Drop.


NET is how big your transaction is, measured in bytes.


CPU and NET go hand-in-hand when processing transactions. If there are insufficient amounts available to use, the transactions will fail.


An NFT (Non-fungible token) is a non-interchangeable unit of data stored on a blockchain. It can be sold or traded, and each NFT has a unique identity that can be verified through a publicly accessible proof of ownership.


Just like a card pack from any game or card collection you may find, this is the typical method of NFT distribution on the WAX blockchain. You can purchase a pack and find the cards you're looking for inside. The amount of NFTs that are received per pack is determined by the number of Slots that pack has. Any particular Slot may have different possible outcomes (including an Empty one).


A Pool is a sort of container. It holds different possible outcomes for a Slot. A Slot can be thought of as a display that gets its content from a Pool. A Slot is a placeholder for an NFT, and it gets its contents from a Pool.


RAM is used to store data on the blockchain, measured in bytes. It has to be bought with WAX.


A schema defines all attributes an NFT in your collection can have, while the NFT stores the actual values for all of these attributes. You can create as many schemas as you like within your collection, which can be useful if you want to launch different series of your set, for example.


A Template is the metadata contained within your NFT. It can be any digital content (image , audio, video,…) that you have created or legitimately own along with a given set of attributes. It allows you to efficiently create multiple NFTs based on the same template, with the main difference between these NFTs being their mint number.

In essence, a Template is like a cookie mold, while Minting is actually cutting the cookies with the mold

For more info on metadata:


The testnet is a version of the blockchain that is used only for testing, which enables you to try things around without having the need to use your actual cryptocurrencies. We strongly suggest creating everything on the testnet before releasing it on the mainnet. These are the most relevant links for getting started with the testnet: - Create a testnet account. If you scroll down on this page, you can enter your testnet account name after creating one to get some test WAXP. Note: this isn't actual WAXP, but meant to simulate a realistic environment with WAXP being used. - NeftyBlocks testnet, the safe environment to create content.


WAX is a carbon neutral blockchain that runs on a Delegated Proof of Stake system (DPOS), as opposed to the consumption intensive alternative of Proof of Work (POW). For more information about WAX and blockchain in general: